AUTO ASSEMBLY 2011 was fantastic experience. I was invited to
Europe's biggest TRANSFORMERS Convention alongside the other Artists & Voice Actors. In amongst the Toy Dealers and the vast array of
Transfans their was also a large contingent of
Cosplayers, who had clearly spent a large amount of time and effort on their creations.

With so many different Transformers Universes and alternate versions of characters there was never a shortage of Transformers to sketch.

On the Saturday night the
Cosplay competition winners that came
respectively in places 1st and 2
nd were Haley & Pete dressed in their fantastic creations as Black
Arachnia & Drift. Here they are in their awesome
Cosplay Costumes alongside the Sketch that I produced for them.

Where ever I turned there was no escaping
Optimus Prime and his friends. At times I even thought I was seeing double. Now I've seen the photos I can clearly see I was. So clearly the night at the bar had nothing to do with it.
The convention was fun and well run as always thanks to Simon
Plumbe and his great team that band together to bring their interests to life for the benefit of all.
Well done guys and gals.
Here are a selection of the sketches I produced over the weekend and some of the fine folks that received them.
Just click on a pic to take a closer look.