Whew! What can I say?
From a last minute decision to one of the best Convention Experiences Ever!
I originally intended to travel up late on the Saturday night & find a place to crash my head before the convention started Early on the Saturday morning. Though this plan came crashing down the minute a received a special invite from Dom Rand over at comicconventions.co.uk to meet the one and only Stan Lee!
So travel plans scrapped, new ticket booked, and excitement building. I traveled up early in the afternoon to prepare for our Friday Night meeting with the 'Man'.
(More on that in the future!)

Saturday morning began with me making my way through the exhibition halls past the waiting queue, and oh may what a queue! This was to be the biggest and busiest exclusively Comic Book based Convention I had attended to date. From the moment I sat down I was locked into my chair. With a constant river of people waiting for sketches or trying to book sketches in, there was no time to eat. Let alone stretch my legs!
After spending the evening recovering with liquid refreshment on tap, I was ready for the extravaganza of the next day. Again the same, locked in place, head down, I never had time to walk around and chat or even meet some of the great artists that were in attendance.

I do not think I have ever produced so many pieces of Art in such a locked in time frame, however I enjoyed every minute of it. The public were fantastic and everyone I met was extremely friendly and courteous, even bringing me refreshments!
Hot Chocolate with creme & marshmallows?
You can't say better than that!
The London Super Comic Convention, a great show. Lets look
forward to the next. :D