After a quick hop, skip and a jump across the pond I was met at the airport by the girls from Infinity cars. Eva , Sam and Dominique who ferried us about for the weekend. Thank you girls, it was much appreciated. On the Saturday evening I got to taste my first Belgium beer in the company of the other invited guests. I got to hang out and chat with a few of them including William B. Davis (The Cigarette smoking man of x-files fame) Scott Capurro (Comedian and Wright Stuff regular) and Uwe Boll (Director) who hopefully I will be doing an upcoming project with. Also it was great to catch up with Danny & Stjepko, I raise my glass to you guys.

The show itself was fantastic, Much bigger than I had expected and with a wide variety of dealers tables, displays and choice. It would have been great to have more time to explore the show and for that matter Antwerp itself. As it was I only got to get up from my table for a brief moment to take a quick look and leak. I don't think I have ever been so inundated or sketched so hard.

After such a long and draining day I was taken well care of by the show organizers who put on a meal for all the guests to enjoy. I got to meet Fred "The Hammer" Williamson, who kindly agreed to let me use his likeness in a comic idea I am working on. Yes 'The Hammer" will now be appearing. More to come....

Again a big thank you to Lode Green for creating and organizing such a fabulous show. After such a great time I was kind of sad to be leaving Antwerp, but once I was on my plane it was Up Up and Away.