The Birmingham International Comic Show in one smooth move re-branded itself as the British International Comic Show, Simple but clever! Unfortunately for me being part of it meant I never got the chance to look around, as I would of done in previous years. I am not complaining mind you, metaphorically chained to my desk I spent the weekend between a gigantic Optimus Prime and my long term collaborator Mr Mccrea.
With little time to breath and even less to eat, I sketched away like a madman. From multiple Batman and Spider-men sketches to more random pieces. Though I really did enjoy drawing the more challenging requests, it was great to meet such a diverse crowd of people and those guys that brought references of the characters they wanted sketching THANKS!
Artists love reference.
When Sunday rolled around, and I recovered (and everyone else) from my karaoke session I finally got the chance to say a hello to a few of my Artist and Editorial friends. Though this was way to brief before hearing the whip crack once again to race back to my table for a marathon sketching run.
All in all, it was a great show.
Long live BICS!